Digital Library FAQ

How many books are there in the Digital Library?

Currently, there are 100 books, 10 of each Levels A/1 to I/16 and 5 of each J/17 and K/18.


Which books are in the Digital Library?

For a complete list of the current titles in the Digital Library, please click here.


What do the online books look like?

To view a sample online book, please click here.


Does the Digital Library require internet access?

Yes, the Digital Library requires internet access at all times to operate.


What devices can we use to operate the Digital Library?

For best performance, we recommend operating the Digital Library on a computer or a tablet.  


How long is a subscription for?

Once purchased, the Digital Library subscription is valid for one year.


Are subscriptions auto-renewed?

No, Digital Library subscriptions are not auto-renewed.


Where do Students and Educators login to read the books?

The login page for our Digital Library website is located at the following web address:

To access the Digital Library from click on the link Digital Library Login at the top of the homepage.


How do I add a student to my Educator's account?

To add students to your account:

  •        Click on the “Students” button or link on the left side bar
  •        Click on the “+Add New Student” button
  •        Enter a First Name as a record locator if desired
  •        Enter a Student Username
  •        Enter a Student Password
  •        Confirm the Student Password
  •        Click Submit

The student will now be able to login and read all the books in the library!


How do the students access the books?

Every subscription comes with an Educator account. The educator has the ability to set up student accounts with a username and a password. Then the students can login and read all the books in the library!


Can I import my student data?

Unfortunately importing student data is not an option at this time. Each student must be entered manually.


Can an Educator select which books a student can read?

At this time, the Educator is not able to select books for individual students. Students are able to read all the books in the Digital Library.


A student forgot their password; what do I do?

Only the Educator can update a student’s password. The password reset option on the login page will not work for students. An educator can login to their Educator account, select the student and then select the edit button to update a student’s password.


What if I need more than 30 student accounts for my subscription?

If you have more than 30 students in your classroom, please contact us for a quote at


What if I purchased the Small Group subscription, but would like to upgrade to the Classroom subscription?

If you would like to upgrade from a Small Group subscription to a Classroom subscription, please contact us for a quote at